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Michael Lobel
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. 232 pp.; 16 color ills.; 54 b/w ills. Cloth $49.95 (9780520253032)
When Pop art emerged in the early 1960s it was greeted by both its critics and its defenders as a celebration of the various facets of popular American culture featured in the works themselves. By the end of the decade, however, some critics and historians were already arguing against the hegemonic view of the movement by claiming that certain of its practitioners, at least, were using popular subjects and styles to challenge mainstream cultural values. Michael Lobel’s monograph on the early work of James Rosenquist is the latest addition to that ongoing scholarly current. Since its exhibition in… Full Review
September 16, 2009
John T. Carpenter, ed.
Leiden and Zurich: Hotei Publishing in association with Museum Rietberg Zürich, 2008. 432 pp.; 400 color ills. Cloth $147.00 (9789004168411)
The Japanese term surimono refers to privately commissioned prints intended for circulation to a limited group of individuals in connection with some special occasion or significant event. As such, they reflected the interests of the groups to which they were sent, and they almost always differed in distinctive ways from contemporary commercial prints put out by the same publishers. There are a number of features that set them apart. One is the expensive pigments and meticulous techniques employed in their printing. Another is that most—though not absolutely all—bear poetic inscriptions. This is a feature that surimono share with numerous earlier… Full Review
September 16, 2009
Exhibition schedule: Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA, September 20, 2008–March 8, 2009
Exhibition schedule: Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA, November 15, 2008–April 26, 2009
This past winter and spring, the Williams College Art Museum mounted two photography shows based on work from its own collection. The first, Beyond the Familiar, was the more survey-like and pedagogical (with several Williams graduate students serving as curators), bringing together 12 photographers with samples from their most signature projects, about 120 pictures in all. The pictures and photographers come from widely different places and times: Felice Beato’s Views of Japan, Edward Curtis’s pictures of Native Americans, and P. H. Emerson’s Pictures of East Anglian Life, representing work from the nineteenth century; August Sander’s People of… Full Review
September 9, 2009
Alison G. Stewart
Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008. 382 pp.; 4 color ills.; 101 b/w ills. Cloth $99.95 (9780754633082)
Alison Stewart has a bone to pick with both academic publishers and art-historical scholarship. Although scholarly research demonstrates that painting in the first half of the sixteenth century was one among many artistic media, such as woodblock prints, tapestry, stained glass, metalwork, etc., art historians and publishing houses distinguish painting from the other arts and give preference to it, following an inclination that did not exist in the early modern period. For example, Stewart claims that one could easily deduce from modern literature that Pieter Bruegel the Elder invented the theme of peasant festivities. Bruegel’s paintings of peasants are taken… Full Review
September 9, 2009
Elizabeth Eger and Lucy Pelz
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008. 160 pp.; 84 color ills.; 64 b/w ills. Cloth $50.00 (9780300141030)
Exhibition schedule: National Portrait Gallery, London, March 13–June 15, 2008
The brilliant women of this book’s title were the remarkable writers and artists in eighteenth-century England known as bluestockings, a name first applied to both sexes for the blue worsted stockings worn by a gentleman who attended the literary salon hosted by Elizabeth Montagu, one of the original bluestockings. By the 1770s, however, the term was associated specifically with intellectual women. Co-authors Elizabeth Eger, lecturer in eighteenth-century and Romantic literature at King’s College London, and Lucy Peltz, eighteenth-century curator at the National Portrait Gallery, London, produced this attractive volume to accompany the exhibition of the same name. The book traces… Full Review
September 9, 2009
William Tronzo, ed.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 336 pp.; 300 b/w ills. Paper $50.00 (9780521732109 )
Until recently, those wishing to study St. Peter’s, arguably the most important Catholic church in the world, would have had to fill a bookcase with publications in various languages to encompass its long and complicated history. In 2000, a four-volume work appeared in English and Italian editions that provided one of the first major syntheses: St. Peter’s in the Vatican, edited by Antonio Pinelli (Modena: Pannini Editore), is comprised by two text volumes (one of essays and a second with entries) and two volumes of color photographs of each and every corner of New St. Peter’s. With its emphasis… Full Review
September 9, 2009
R. R. R. Smith
Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2006. 352 pp.; 163 b/w ills. Cloth €76.00 (9783805335270)
The workshops of Aphrodisias and their products have long held an important place in the study of the sculpture and statuary of Roman Asia Minor. The ongoing excavations at this site have yielded many fine examples of relief and freestanding sculpture, some of which have been published previously in preliminary reports. R. R. R. Smith and his collaborators have produced the second major publication of Aphrodisian sculpture (after R. R. R. Smith, Aphrodisias I, The Monument of C. Julius Zoilos, Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1993). This volume, which covers work excavated through 2004 and includes both previously… Full Review
September 2, 2009
Margaret M. Miles
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 440 pp.; 28 b/w ills. Cloth $90.00 (9780521872805)
Debates over cultural patrimony and the ownership of ancient art make headlines today. Margaret Miles’s Art as Plunder reminds readers that this was also the case in late Republican Rome. Her book promises to explore “the origins of art as cultural property and the competing claims that arise when it is seized, appropriated, and collected by a stronger authority” (1). Miles investigates ancient attitudes and expectations about loot, ranging from the Sumerian period to the early Byzantine era, with special attention to those articulated by Cicero in his Verrine orations. But that’s not all. Turning to the modern reception of… Full Review
September 2, 2009
Elina Gertsman, ed.
Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008. 348 pp.; 40 b/w ills. Cloth $99.95 (9780754664369)
Performance, which can be generically described as the enactment of a ceremony, ritual, play, or work of music, dance, or visual art, has only recently been explored as an interpretive framework in medieval studies. Tracing its origins to research undertaken in the 1940s and 1950s, performance theory crystallized as a distinctive interdisciplinary field in the 1980s and 1990s, encompassing anthropology, art history, communication arts, critical gender studies, ethnic studies, film studies, linguistics, literature, and theater studies. Although performance can be construed as adhering to an orderly structure, recent scholarship has emphasized its liminality, its capacity to cross boundaries and resist… Full Review
September 2, 2009
Catherine de Bourgoing, ed.
Exh. cat. Paris: Petit Palais and Musée de la Vie Romantique, 2009. 256 pp.; many color ills. €39.00 (9782759600779)
Exhibition schedule: Petit Palais and Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris, April 2–June 28, 2009
Mounted by the Petit Palais in collaboration with the City of Paris’s Musée de la Vie Romantique, William Blake: The Visionary Genius of English Romanticism—featuring over 150 works borrowed from major British collections, the Louvre, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, among others—was the first French retrospective devoted to Blake since 1947. This overdue exhibition was expansive and thorough, if not inspirational; it was beautifully installed in the Petit Palais’s well-appointed special exhibition rooms, but the roughly thematic groupings were at times opaque or barely articulated. Arguably, Blake is as much a poet as a visual artist, and… Full Review
August 26, 2009
Peter Eleey, ed.
Exh. cat. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2009. 352 pp.; 139 color ills.; 53 b/w ills. Cloth $45.00 (9780935640939)
Exhibition schedule: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, April 24–September 27, 2009
I think the most beautiful thing about modern art is that it has built into its own potential the capacity for destroying itself —Robert Barry (1969) The Quick and the Dead is an exhibition that starts with a spur of a title. Branded beneath it in gold, a pair of triangles are carefully stacked tip-to-tip, one up, one down, in the shape of an hourglass, similar perhaps to a Möbius strip. It eventually becomes clear that this icon is something of a curatorial signature, for it not only conjures the categories of time and space that govern… Full Review
August 26, 2009
Neil Harris and Teri J. Edelstein
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009. 400 pp.; 81 color ills.; 301 b/w ills. Cloth $65.00 (9780226317618)
The rediscovery of the Chicagoan began in a classic moment of scholarly serendipity, when Neil Harris happened on the magazine in the stacks of the University of Chicago’s Regenstein Library, one of only two institutions with a complete set of issues. Research revealed that the magazine, published between 1926 and 1935, truly had been lost, along with a record of many of its contributing writers and artists. Part history, part sampler, and thoroughly readable, The Chicagoan: A Lost Magazine of the Jazz Age goes a long way toward restoring that record and giving it a context in the history of… Full Review
August 25, 2009
Sheila Canby, ed.
Exh. cat. London: British Museum, 2009. 274 pp.; 240 color ills. Paper £25.00 (9780714124520)
Exhibition schedule: British Museum, London, February 19–June 14, 2009
Inna Vishnevskaya
Exh. cat. Washington, DC: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 2009. 145 pp.; 111 color ills. Paper $29.95 (9780934686136)
Exhibition schedule: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, DC, May 9–September 13, 2009
It is unusual for major “Western” museums to host simultaneous exhibitions involving the arts of the Islamic world, and more unusual still for any such Islamic art exhibitions to cover similar regions and historical periods or concern related themes. While the overlap of the two shows on view in London and Washington may have resulted from a scheduling fluke, it perhaps also reflects the growing commitment of European and North American museums both to highlighting Muslim arts and cultures within their collection, exhibition, and education programs (also evident in the number of institutions from New York to Paris to Copenhagen… Full Review
August 19, 2009
Hubertus Kohle and Rolf Reichardt
London: Reaktion Books, 2008. 240 pp.; 30 color ills.; 156 b/w ills. Cloth $45.00 (9781861893123)
In his pioneering study Understanding Media of 1964, Marshall McLuhan credited Alexis de Tocqueville with discovering in the French Revolution evidence that “the medium is the message.” The “highly literate aristocrat,” wrote McLuhan, had recognized that the Revolution would never have happened had print culture not unified the nation, enabling the conditions for a national uprising (Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, 14–15). Typography had homogenized France. In contrast, England’s entrenched feudal traditions and the discrete complexities of its oral culture had immunized the nation from the standardizing effects of print and the… Full Review
August 19, 2009
Philip Hewat-Jaboor and David Watkin, eds.
Exh. cat. New York and New Haven: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture and Yale University Press, 2008. 520 pp.; 420 color ills.; 40 b/w ills. Cloth $100.00 (9780300124163)
Exhibition schedule: Victoria and Albert Museum, London, March 21–July 21, 2008; Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, New York, July 17–November 16, 2008
In the course of the eighteenth century, European artists, architects, travelers, and scholars broke from narrow Renaissance conventions and cast fresh eyes on the material and literary remains of classical antiquity. The repertoire of models available to designers and theorists was widened by the study and publication of ancient sites in Egypt, Greece, Italy, and the Near East, while ancient authors such as Homer, Pausanias, Strabo, and Virgil were reevaluated through on-site comparisons of texts and landscapes. The discovery of previously marginal or underappreciated art forms such as Roman frescos and Greek vase painting resulted in a new understanding of… Full Review
August 18, 2009