Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Northern Europe
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Barrow, Robyn, "Tracking North: Art, Ecology, and Exchange in the Medieval Nordic World In progress" (University of Pennsylvania, S. Guérin)

Chang, Samantha, "Listening to Painting, Seeing Music: Intersensorial and Synaesthetic Approaches to Music and Visual Culture in the Early Modern Period" (University of Toronto, P. Sohm, T. Shephard)

de Jong, Emma C., "Personification, Zinnespelen, and the Allegorical Print: Modes of Discursive Engagement in Antwerp and Haarlem, 1550–1600" (Emory University, W. S. Melion, B. Ramakers)

Denis, Beatrice, "Les Guerres napoléoniennes de Louis-François Lejeune: Histoire, Identité et Notoriété au tournant du 19e siècle" (University of Montreal, E. Contogouris)

Dyer, Sarah, "The Turquam-Gilles Inventory: Reconstructing an Estate and Familial Status in Paris, c. 1500 Patronage/Art Collecting" (University of Kansas, A. D. Hedeman, K. Baker)

Ferrari, Francesca, "Torres-García" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, C. Poggi, E.J. Sullivan)

Guiraud, Jessica, "L’immersion numérique comme outil de développement d’une expérience patrimoniale sensorielle et sensible" (University of Montreal, H. Rousteau-Chambon, E.Château-Dutier)

Henry, Joseph, "Spiritualized Machines: Die Brücke, Expressionism, and Wilhelmine Modernity" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), R. Golan)

Korol Gold, Zachary, "Reconfiguring Nature, Technology, and Sense: Pierre Huyghe’s Situated Artworks" (University of California, Irvine, J. Nisbet)

Levinsohn, James Michael, "Realism Beyond Redemption: Wolfgang Tillmans and Photographic Realism's Reinvention after Postmodernism" (University of Toronto, L. Kaplan)

Lund, Sarah, "Matrices: Female Printmakers in Revolutionary France, 1789–1848" (Harvard University, E. Lajer-Burcharth, J. Roberts) 

Moblard Meier, Anna-Marie, "Viennese Japonismus and Modern Allegory in the Work of Gustav Klimt" (Bryn Mawr College, C. Hertel, J.N. Davis)

Montanes-Lleras, Susana, "The Sleeping Princess and the Creeping Briar: Book Illustration, Pictorial Language, and the Rhetoric of Fantasy" (Case Western Reserve University, A. Rager, H. Adams)

McHutchion, Benjamin, "A Study of Responses to Built Heritage Destruction in WWII Britain" [Working Title] (Queens University, Canada, C. Hoeniger)

Palazzolo, Valerie, "Millefleurs Gardens in the French Court of Ladies, ca. 1500" (University of Florida, E. Ross)

Prieur, Cynthia, "The Fate and Fortune of Perugino’s paintings, From Italy to France 1797–1820" (Queens University, Canada, C. Hoeniger)

Ruoppo, Althea, "Places of Assemblage: The Transnational German Sculpture of Isa Genzken, Reinhard Mucha, and Rosemarie Trockel" (Boston University, G. Williams)

Sproule, Peter, "Masculine Fashion Culture in Post-war Germany: Reconstructing the Ideal Man through Illustration" (Queens University, Canada, A. Morehead, E. Otto)

Thompson, Borger, "In Pursuit of Power and Prestige: Stag and Boar Hunting in Burgundian Copies of Modus et Ratio (1379–c.1467)" (University of Kansas, A.D.Hedeman)

Wiepke, Hannah, " 'For pictures are the most intelligible books': Crafting Knowledge in Early Modern Printed Images and Books, 1500–1700" (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, M. Gaudio)

Wilson, Margaret, "Making and Breaking Enclosure: The Movement of Art Through Late Medieval Convents" (Ohio State University, K. Whittington)