Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Northern Europe
Dissertations Completed by Subject, 2022

Show in progress dissertations

Emmer, Regina, "Living Between the Lines: How Japanese Crafts Taught Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, and Eileen Gray to See Modern Domestic Space" (University of New Mexico, C. Mead, S. Anderson-Riedel)

Goddard, Brandi, " ‘Humble Hands in Humble Homes’: Cottage-Industry Textiles, Women’s Labour, and Craftwork Co-operatives in Ireland, 1935–1960" (University of Alberta, M. Maegher)

Golobish, Laura, "Graphic Scotland: Visuality and Empire, 1810–1913" (University of New Mexico, S. Anderson-Riedel, K. Buick)

Lu, Haohao, "Erotic imagery in the early modern low countries: risk, secrecy, paradox" (Indiana University Bloomington, B. Rothstein)

Michael, Kelin, "Word, Image, and Copy: the Reception of Hrabanus Maurus's 'In honorem sanctae crucis,' c. 810–1600 CE" (Emory University, E. Pastan)

Richards, Christopher, "Picturing Desire and Desiring Pictures: Ovide moralisé and the Vernacular Manuscript Tradition" (York University, Institute of Fine Arts, A. Nagel)

Smith, Lauryn, "Cultivating Self and Displaying Status: Innovation and Exchange in the Cabinets of Amalia van Solms-Braunfels" (1602–1675)" (Case Western Reserve University, C. Scallen)

Varela, María Paula, " 'My Goddesses and My Monsters:' Maria Martins’ Paradoxical Modernism" (University of Florida, K.M. Cabañas, R. Silveri)