Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

East Asia
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Chiu, Chao Chi, "Between Body and Spirit: Modern Japanese Buddhist Art in the context of twentieth-century transnational exchanges between India and Japan" (University of Maryland, College Park, A. Volk)

Hsu, Che-ying, "Painting in Yuan Dynasty Jiaxing, c. 1300–1370s" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, J. Hay)

Jang, Jihan, "A State of Equilibrium: Korean Contemporary Art after Democratization In progress" (State University of New York, Binghamton, T. McDonough)

Kugo, Kasumi, "The Theory and Practice of 'Eizo' in 1960s’ and 1970s’ Japan" (State University of New York, Binghamton, J. Tagg)

Lu, Wei, " Ecofeminist Art in China" (University of Alberta, L. Claypool)

Mickle, Allie, "Picturing the Factory of the World: Artists’ Cinema, China and Global Commodity Chains" (Ohio State University, E. Levin)

Park, Joon Hye, "Untimely Matters: Korean Experimental Art 1967–1979" (University of California, Los Angeles, M. Kwon, S. Mathur)

Park, Joonsoo (Jason), "Reconsidering Environmental Art, 1965–1982: Agnes Denes, Hans Haacke, and Alan Sonfist" (State University of New York, Binghamton, K. Hatch)

Park, SaeHim, "Imaging 'Comfort Women': Girl Statue of Peace (2011) in the Expanded Field" (Duke University, S. Abe)

Park, Sun Yang, "Translating Utopia: The Korean New Realism Group (Sinsasilpa)" (State University of New York, Binghamton, K. Hatch)

Puzyreva, Maria, "Inventing the Modern Japanese Print: Sōsaku Hanga Movement, 1900s–1960s" (University of Pennsylvania, J. Davis)

Quist, Rachel, "Forging Bonds through Icons and Ritual: Imperial Patronage of Daigoji" (University of Kansas, S. Fowler)

Raina, Vidhita, "Fabricating Sarasa: Patterns of Global Exchange in Edo-Period Japanese Textiles and Visual Culture" (University of Kansas, S. Fowler)

Silverman, Julia, "Unmaking Tradition: Native Designers and the Representation of Knowledge during the 'Indian New Deal'” (Harvard University, J. Roberts, P. Deloria)

Slater, Hannah, "Reframing '3.11': Visualizing Disaster Landscapes after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster" (Ohio State University, N. Kunimoto)

Son, Bookyung, "Antagonistic Feedback: Rethinking Korean Media Art through Nam June Paik’s Reimportation to Korea" (State University of New York, Binghamton, J. Kirkwood)

Wies, Lillian, "In Her Image: Representing Women Artists in Modern Japan" (University of Maryland, College Park, A. Volk)

Yoon, Soohyun, "Chinese Women Artists and New Manifestations of Guanyin, 1550–1750" (Duke University, S. Abe)

Yuan, Xinyue Lulu, "Encounter the World at War: Aesthetics, Media, and Modern Chinese Artists' Wartime Books, 1938–1945" (University of California, Irvine, R. Wue)

Zhao, Wei, " 'Models for a Hundred Generations': Canon Formation of Landscape Painting circa 900–1050 in China" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, P. Sturman)

Zhu, Ying, "The Color of Taste: Boneless Landscape in the Seventeenth Century" (University of Kansas, A. McNair)