Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

East Asia
Dissertations Completed by Subject, 2022

Show in progress dissertations

Chang, Yuri, "Negotiating Urban Identities: International Art Events and the Cultural Identities of Korean Cities, 1988–1995" (State University of New York, Binghamton, T. McDonough)

Emmer, Regina, "Living Between the Lines: How Japanese Crafts Taught Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, and Eileen Gray to See Modern Domestic Space" (University of New Mexico, C. Curtis, S. Anderson-Riedel)

Hsieh, Pei-chun (Viola), "Common Senses: The Postwar Sensorium and Contemporary Art in Taiwan" (State University of New York, Binghamton, K. Hatch)

Kwon, Vicki Sung-yeon, "Connections in Friction: Socially Engaged Art in East Asia in Transnational Contact Zones" (University of Alberta, M. Boone, N. Loveless)

Lee, Oh Mee, "Embedded Views: Zhang Yanyuan’s Fashu yaolu" (University of California, Los Angeles, D. Schaberg, H. Lee)

Yan, Weitian, "Envisioning Antiquity: Yi Bingshou and the Politics of Memory in the Qing Dynasty" (University of Kansas, A. McNair)

Zhao, Yi, "Paths to Paradise: Images of Buddhist Heavens and Pure Lands in Early Medieval China (3rd–6th century)" (University of Kansas, A. McNair)

Zhu, Pinyan, "The Landscape of the Longmen Grottoes: Practices, Repentance, Jeweled Buddhas, and Burials under Emperor Wu Zhao (r. 690–705 CE)" (University of Kansas, A. McNair)