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Lianne McTavish
Aldershot, UK and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005. 272 pp.; 29 b/w ills. Cloth $89.95 (0754636194)
Lianne McTavish’s book, Childbirth and the Display of Authority in Early Modern France, is part of an Ashgate series entitled Women and Gender in the Early Modern World, a group of collected essays and single-authored volumes that investigate subjects as diverse as identity politics, widowhood, and the book trade. Ashgate is, indeed, one of the few publishing houses still willing to produce these sorts of studies, especially in the form of collected essays, and we are indebted to them for their efforts to bring new studies of women and gender into the scholarly realm. Like the other books in… Full Review
Claudia Swan
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 256 pp.; 69 b/w ills. Cloth (0521826748)
It’s unfortunate that Jacques de Gheyn II is not widely known beyond Dutch specialists. He exemplifies the richness of his immediate cultural context and, more broadly, of the period surrounding 1600, when so many paradigms of European art began to change dramatically. New literature on his work is most welcome. The primary book on the de Gheyn family, I. Q. Van Regteren Altena’s Jacques de Gheyn: Three Generations (The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1983), was based on the author’s dissertation research in the 1930s. Although full of valuable insights and providing a useful catalogue of works by the de Gheyn family… Full Review
March 15, 2006
Wu Hung
Chicago: University of Chicago Press in association with Reaktion Books, 2005. 240 pp.; 60 color ills.; 133 b/w ills. Cloth $80.00 (0226360784)
Wu Hung, Chinese born, has become a well-known U.S. art historian. Author of a number of distinguished books discussing the art of his native country, in Remaking Beijing he tells the history of Tiananmen Square, the gate to the Imperial Palace. Every tourist who goes to Beijing visits this central site. Coming from the east, you go north to buy a ticket and enter the Forbidden City. But if you walk south just before entering the Square, you reach the Museum of Chinese History, which now contains displays of art and a waxworks exhibition showing the communist rulers, various emperors… Full Review
March 13, 2006
Oliver Leaman
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. 211 pp. Paper $25.00 (9780268033699)
Over a century of scholarship in Islamic art has produced numerous monographs, catalogues, and surveys; yet until recently, only a few studies have been published on the aesthetics of Islamic art. The last three decades, however, have seen several books and exhibitions that claim to deal with the “common principles,” “aesthetics,” and “philosophy” of Islamic art. Oliver Leaman’s book is both a contribution to and a critique of this particular tradition Although according to Leaman his book is intended to “establish a solid foundation for the aesthetics of Islamic art” (vii), the book is in fact not solely focused on… Full Review
March 13, 2006
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004. 208 pp.; 36 color ills.; 52 b/w ills. Cloth $34.95 (0807829560)
Despite its modest format, this is a monumental book. The author has fitted into comparatively few pages one of the most carefully considered methodological assessments, historical analysis, and art historical interpretations of eighteenth-century Central European culture to have appeared in the last half-century. This is no unremarkable accomplishment, as it can only have been written in the maturity of a scholarly career engaged with the history, culture, and art of Europe in its full geographical and intellectual breadth, from the Renaissance through the Baroque into Neo-Classicism. But as striking as is the erudition informing the book’s multiple theses, equally impressive… Full Review
March 10, 2006
Sheldon H. Lu and Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh, eds.
Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005. 392 pp.; 52 b/w ills. Paper $29.00 (0824828690)
The title of this collection, Chinese-Language Film, proposes a linguistically based category through which to consider a block of films, directors, and styles. This grouping obviously works against the notion of national cinema, but it also works against a transnational ethnic identification that would include, for example, films about Chinese life in the United States, Europe, South America, or other locales if those films’ predominant language is English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or any language that is not Chinese. Given that language specificity and its implications are often ignored in many fields—under the utopian desire, perhaps, for transparency and easy… Full Review
March 9, 2006
Jenny Anger
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 342 pp.; 8 color ills.; 75 b/w ills. Cloth $85.00 (0521822505)
At the dawn of abstraction in the early twentieth century, it was not unusual for artists and critics to locate in the decorative or ornamental a model of pure form. At the same time, the decorative’s varied associations with the “decorative arts,” “craft,” the domestic realm, femininity, utility, and the everyday always rendered it suspect as an art free from the material realm. Ultimately, the decorative as a source for the modernist notion of art’s purity or autonomy was aggressively suppressed by modern artists and critics. Ernst Gombrich observed, “There is nothing the abstract painter . . . dislike[s] more… Full Review
March 8, 2006
Paula Nuttall
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. 288 pp.; 80 color ills.; 150 b/w ills. Cloth $60.00 (0300102445)
Even today, in an age of virtual realities, it is difficult to view Jan van Eyck’s Virgin of Canon van der Paele of 1436 without being shaken by it. The level of illusionism attained in this picture is, bluntly put, mind-boggling. Jan has rendered an entirely credible interior space—cropped on all four sides by the sides of the painting—receding behind the picture plane and ending at a distance that appears measurable. This fictive space, representing the choir of a Romanesque church with an ambulatory wrapped around it, is occupied by figures that are three-dimensional in all but actuality. There are… Full Review
March 8, 2006
Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker, Brigette Salmen, and Karole Vail
New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2005. 300 pp. Cloth $60.00 (0892073276)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, May 20–August 10, 2005; Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, and Schlossmuseum, Murnau, September 8, 2005–January 15, 2006; Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, May 4–July 30, 2006
Thalia Vrachopoulos and John Angeline
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. 107 pp.; 16 b/w ills. Cloth $99.95 (0773462554)
Hilla Rebay’s life lends itself to biography. Rebay (1890–1967) was a colorful and controversial figure in the transatlantic art world, a modern woman well connected in avant-garde and society circles. As narratives about her life convey, she had first-hand knowledge of movements such as Jugendstil, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, and trends in abstraction. Rebay was ambitious, and that drive resulted in the formation of a world-renowned assemblage of works by Kandinsky, Klee, Léger, Chagall, and Moholy-Nagy—to name but a few of the modern masters—that would become the Solomon R. Guggenheim Collection. But it was her role as artist—modernist and portrait… Full Review
March 8, 2006
Gauvin Alexander Bailey
New York: Phaidon, 2005. 448 pp.; 240 color ills.; 10 b/w ills. Paper $24.95 (0714841579)
Something there is that doesn’t love the survey of art history textbook. Just as with Robert Frost’s more pentametric unloved wall, everyone has a different opinion of just what it should keep in, or keep out. It’s a statistical fact that very few of the many aspiring tomes published in this category succeed in being accepted as required reading in big-enrollment introductory courses, thus rewarding underpaid professors with long-term royalty income. Even more discouraging to the hopeful authors, and unlike the never irrelevant and always assignable monograph even when out of print, the survey text once remaindered is no longer… Full Review
March 1, 2006