Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

South Asia/South East Asia
Dissertations Completed by Subject, 2022

Show in progress dissertations

Mohammadi , Banafsheh, "Images of the Experiential: The Petroleum Roots of the Phenomenology of Religion and Architectural Phenomenology, 1945–1967" (University of Alberta, S. Wilson)

Noori Shirazi, Somayeh, "Negotiating Identities: Embodied Experience as Resistance to the Orientalist Gaze in the Artworks of Three Contemporary Women Artists from Iran" (University of Alberta, L. McTavish, N. Loveless)

Singh, Saarthak, "Places of Piety, Sites of Sovereignty: Temple and Mosque in Medieval Malwa, c. 1050–1450" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, F. Flood)