Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Islamic Art
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Dursunoglu, Ikbal, "Imitators of God: The Moral Economy of Safavid and Mughal Painting, c. 1540–1640" (Boston University, E. Fetvaci)

Molina, Sarah, "The Poetics of Space: How Safavid Carpets Shaped the Early Modern Islamic World (1539-–672)" (Harvard University, D. Roxburgh, G. Necipoğlu)

Selch, Rebecca, "Memorializing the City: Illustrated Manuscripts of the Majālis al-ʿUshshāq and the Making of Genre in Early Modern Iran" (Harvard University, D. Roxburgh, G. Necipoğlu)

Ziaii-Bigdeli, Layah, "Materiality, Foodways and the Construction of Elite Cultural Identity in the Late Antique and Early Islamic Iranian World (3rd–10th century CE)" (University of California, Irvine, M.Canepa, A. Patel)