Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Twenty-first Century
Dissertations Completed by Subject, 2022

Show in progress dissertations

Faccion Grodzki, Debora, "Creative Recoveries Making Art with Antonio Dias" (State University of New York, Binghamton, T. McDonough)

Hunter, Jessica, "Seeing and Not Seeing Giraffes: Explorations in Perception, Art, and Possibility" (University of the Arts, Philadelphia, B. Spector, R. Beghetto)

Kang, Stephanie, "Queering the Future: Hopeful Imagination in Dystopian Times" (Ohio State University, K. Paulsen)

Noori Shirazi, Somayeh, "Negotiating Identities: Embodied Experience as Resistance to the Orientalist Gaze in the Artworks of Three Contemporary Women Artists from Iran" (University of Alberta, L. McTavish, N. Loveless)