Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Ancient Greek/Roman Art
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Archie, Ellen, " Entangling Dionysos: Abundance Decoration in 4th-2nd centuries BCE Northern Greece" (Emory University, B. Wescoat)

Gonzalez, Ella, "Bearing Weight: Caryatids and Women's Labor in Ancient Greek Art" (Johns Hopkins University, J. Stager, M. Feldman)

LaGatta, Anne, " 'The Most Beautiful and Enduring Images': Visual Culture in the Principate of Tiberius (14–37 CE)" (University of Southern California, J. Pollini)

Mohr, Emily C., "Assembling Women: Performance and Community in the Tanagra Figurines"(Duke University, S. Dillon)

Neill, Elizabeth, "Ancient Geographies, Modern Travels: Provenance(s) of Imagined Creatures on Archaic Painted Pottery (660–480 BCE)" (Boston University, S. R. Martin)

Salem, Rebecca, A., "The Temporality of Greek Temples: Diachronic Building in the Archaic
and Classical Periods" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, C. Marconi, J. N. Hopkins)

Thompson, Peter, "Rendering the Past in the Archaic Greek World" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, C. Marconi)