Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Seventeenth Century
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Chang, Samantha, "Listening to Painting, Seeing Music: Intersensorial and Synaesthetic Approaches to Music and Visual Culture in the Early Modern Period" (University of Toronto, P. Sohm, T. Shephard)

Hirsch, Rachel, "Empire Inverted: Architecture in the New Mughal Center, 1601–1707 (Harvard University, G. Necipoğlu, D. Roxburgh)

Hogan, Dana V., "Expanding Worlds: Italian Women Artists and Cross-Cultural Encounters in Early Modernity" (Duke University, S.Galletti)

Lash, Drew, "Painting Spanish Faith: Intertextuality in Old Testament Images in Seventeenth-Century Spain and New Spain" (University of California, Los Angeles, Black. C.V.)

Wiepke, Hannah, " 'For pictures are the most intelligible books': Crafting Knowledge in Early Modern Printed Images and Books, 1500–1700" (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, M. Gaudio)

Yoon, Soohyun, "Chinese Women Artists and New Manifestations of Guanyin, 1550–1750" (Duke University, S. Abe)

Zhu, Ying, "The Color of Taste: Boneless Landscape in the Seventeenth Century" (University of Kansas, A. McNair)

Zigomalas, Alexandra, "Bernini's England: The Artistic Exchange between London and Rome, 1625–1700" (Emory University, S. McPhee)