Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Architectural History/Urbanism/Historic Preservation
Dissertations Completed by Subject, 2022

Show in progress dissertations

Emmer, Regina, "Living Between the Lines: How Japanese Crafts Taught Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, and Eileen Gray to See Modern Domestic Space" (University of New Mexico, C. Curtis, S. Anderson-Riedel)

Rawlings, Courtney, "The Architecture of Red Los Angeles: Building Low-Cost Housing Communities for a Postwar Future, 1940-1960" (Emory University, T. Cronan)

Singh, Saarthak, "Places of Piety, Sites of Sovereignty: Temple and Mosque in Medieval Malwa, c. 1050–1450" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, F. Flood)