Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

North America
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Adomanis, Asia, "On the Borders of Abstraction: Chinese American Artists and the Politics of Style in Cold War American Art"(Ohio State University, J. Patterson, J. Andrews)

Armandroff, Olivia, "Volcanic Matter: Land Formation and Artistic Creation" (University of Southern California, A. Ogata)

Asako, Katsura, "Busshitsu in Photography: The Materiality of Photographed Objects in Conceptual Photography in Japan and California in the 1960s–1970s" (University of California, Irvine, W. Bert)

Bolfo, Francesca, "The Embodied Island: Exile and Eros in the Art of Contemporary Cuba" (University of Pennsylvania, G. Shaw K., J. Katz)

Brown, Elizabeth, "The Voracious Archival Appetite of Theaster Gates: Glass Slides, JPC Library, and Edward J. Williams Collection in the Stony Island Arts Bank" (Duke University, K. Stiles)

Brown, Renee, "Eye to Eye: Paul Vanderbilt and the Ordering of Photographic Knowledge, 1940-1970" (Boston University, K. Sichel, W. Moore)

Calard, Franck, "Les vitraux religieux du Québec (1855–1930) : entre importations et production locale (Religious stained glass windows in Montreal (1855–1930): between imports and local production)" (University of Montreal, L. Vigneault, E. Château-Dutier)

Carty, Rachel Spaulding, "Transmissions from the Cosmos: Challenging NASA’s Visual Language of Space Exploration in Postwar American Art, 1962–1975" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), M. Lobel)

Caskey, Lauren, "Communities of Color: The Paintings of Alma W. Thomas" (Ohio State University, L. Florman, J. Patterson)

Cesiro, Lauren, "The Body Is a Battleground: Intimate Communities in the Photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe, Nan Goldin and Sally Mann" (State University of New York, Binghamton, J. Tagg)

Courtney, Chloë, "Modern Mexico to Global Contemporary: Craft and Participatory Art" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, E.Sullivan)

Curran, Mia, "Of Shadows, Specters, and Semblances: Aaron Douglas’s Figurative Returns, 1925–1975" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), A. Indych-López)

DeFeo, Janine, "Food and the Social Body in U.S. Performance Art, 1962-1980" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), S. Wilson, M. Hadler)

Downing, Theresa, "Traces: a Transhistorical Study of Fiber Ecologies in Contemporary Art" (University of Minnesota, J. Blocker)

Duffey, Ashley E. Kim, "(Re)visioning Kinship: Photographies of U.S.-Korean Adoption since 1953" (University of Minnesota, J. Marshall)

Gandert, Sonja Elena, "La resolana: Chicano Artistic Imaginaries of Place, Race, and Activism in New Mexico and Texas, 1969–1985" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), A. Indych-López)
Haas, Tessa, "Digital (Dis)possession: Critical Perspectives from Objects in Transition Media" (Bryn Mawr College, H. King)

Hackett, Stephanie, "Julia Bracken Wendt: Sculpting Los Angeles, 1906-1942" (Julia Bracken Wendt: Sculpting Los Angeles, 1906-1942, K. Manthorne)

Horowitz, Sarah, "Designing Postwar American Performing Arts Centers, 1955-1971" (Boston University, D. Abramson)

Joslyn, Sybil F., "Worth Its Salt: Salvage in the Maritime Visual and Material Culture
of America’s Long Nineteenth Century" (Boston University, W. Moore)

Kane, Eleanor, "Contributing to the Ideal of the Religiosa Perfecta: Novohispanic Nuns as Art Patrons" (University of New Mexico, R. Hernandez, K. Buick)

Korroch, Kate, "The Intimacies of Queer Subjects: TT Takemoto's 'Looking for Jiro' (2011), 'Semiotics of Sab' (2016), and 'Ever Wanting (for Margaret Chung)' (2021)" (University of California, Santa Cruz, J. Gonzalez)

Lee, Chaeeun, "Abstract Tendencies in Asian American Art: Race, Gender, Identity, and Politics Beyond Representation, 1960-1982" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), M. Hadler)

Leifer, Emily, "Los Angeles Light and Space: Installation Art and the Environment of the 1970s" (Bryn Mawr College, H. King)

Little, Myles, "Blackout: New York City, Photography and Darkness 1965-1985" (University of Southern California, V. Schwartz)

McShane Lodwick, Leslie, "Architectures of Education: School Construction Systems Development in California, 1961-69" (University of California, Santa Cruz, A. Narath)

Millar Fisher, Michelle, "Craft Schools: American Craft Culture and Sites of Collective Pedagogy, 1970–1985" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), K. Murphy)

Montanes-Lleras, Susana, "The Sleeping Princess and the Creeping Briar: Book Illustration, Pictorial Language, and the Rhetoric of Fantasy" (Case Western Reserve University, A. Rager, H. Adams)

Morrissy, Shane, "The Dream of a Unique Commodity: Art, Ephemera, and American Mass Media, 1890-1920" (Duke University, P. Jaskot)

Nicholas, Sasha, "Creative Figures: Portraiture and the Making of the Modern American Artist, 1918-1929" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), K. Manthorne)

Oetting, Blake, "The New Aesthetics of Administration, 1969-1998" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, R. Slifkin, E. Kessel)

Pitts, Phillippa, "Pharmacoepic Dreams: Art and America's Medical Democracy, 1800–1860 (Boston University, R. Barrett, A. Reyes)

Quick, Gabriel, "Organizing Activist Art in 1980s New York: Political Art Documentation/Distribution" (Boston University, G. Williams, K. Sichel)

Renaudie, Zoë, "The exhibition put to the test of conservation: Digital Humanities as an interdisciplinary documentary approach" (University of Montreal, E. Château-Dutier)

Sato Analisa, "Post-Function: U.S. Fiber Art between Bauhaus and Feminist Textiles" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), M. Hadler, R. Bletter)

Schwartz, Stacy, "Unsettling Authenticity: Renegotiating Contemporary Identities
and Cultural Trauma in Post-Jewish Art" (University of California, Santa Cruz, D. Murray)

Silverman, Julia, "Unmaking Tradition: Native Designers and the Representation of Knowledge during the 'Indian New Deal'” (Harvard University, J. Roberts, P. Deloria)

Sparks, Kaegan, "Mierle Laderman Ukeles and the Politics of Social Reproduction after 1969" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), S. Wilson)

Stringer, Bryan, “Health Centers Come out of the Cellar”: The United States Public Health Service and the Design of Public Health Centers in Post War America" (Boston University, D. Abramson)

Tedford, Matthew, "Botanical Visualities: Mediating Human-Plant Becomings in an Age of Environmental Collapse" (University of California, Santa Cruz, TJ.Demos)

Truxes, Anna, "Willem de Kooning and the Cinema" (Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), G. Levin, G. Lombardi)

Weldon-Yochim, Zoe, "Atomic Afterlives: Visualizing Nuclear Toxicity in Art of the United States, 1979-2011" (University of California, Santa Cruz, T.J., Demos)

Wichmann, Cecilia, "Sanctuary: Craft, Performance, and Memorial Sculpture Converge in the Art of Joyce J. Scott" (University of Maryland, College Park, J. Shannon, R. Ater)

Wilson Norwood, Beth, "Narrative Ceramics and Networks of Practice: West Mexican Visual Traditions in the Late Formative-Early Classic Periods" (University of New Mexico, M. Jackson)

Woody Nguyen, Melanie, "Embodied Ecologies: Performance Art and Environmentalism, 1970-1990" (University of Maryland, College Park, J. Shannon)

Yale, Margot, "From Red Feminism to the Blacklist: Labor Schools and the Work of Art, 1935–1957" (University of Southern California, S. Hudson)