Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Art of the Ancient Americas
Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Kyorlenski, "The Inca Civil War Rediscovered: Architecture, Alliance Building, and Failure in the Terminal Days of the Inca Empire (1527–1532)" (University of California, Los Angeles, Georgi, S.Nair, C. Stanish)

Ramírez Herrera, Juliana, "Demonic (Dis)Possessions: Indigenous Gold from the Colombia-Panama Borderlands" (Harvard University, T. Cummins, J. Hoopes)

Wellons, Gabriella, "Sculpting Earthen Architecture: Cupisnique Murals and Monumental Relief in Deep Andean History" (Harvard University, T. Cummins)

Wilson Norwood, Beth, "Narrative Ceramics and Networks of Practice: West Mexican Visual Traditions in the Late Formative-Early Classic Periods" (University of New Mexico, M. Jackson)